Photo by Min An from Pexels
“目中无人”,汉语成语,字面意思是“眼里看不见别人(to one's eyes there is no other)”,比喻自高自大,瞧不起他人(having no respect for anyone)。与英文习语“look down one's nose at”意思相近,表示“to regard or treat someone with disdain”。也可以翻译为“with one's nose in the air”,表示“in a way that is unfriendly and suggests that you think that you are better than other people”。
你看她的神气, 简直是目中无人。
Just look at the airs she's giving herself, looking down her nose at everybody.
He sat with his nose in the air and never bothered to speak to anybody.
Editor: Jade