国东部时间3月1日,雅虎公司联合创始人之一的杨致远将宣布公司的搜索网络将进入Web服务。雅虎公司在网站建立了Yahoo Search Developer Network,公司计划在此纽约举行的搜索引擎战略大会(Search Engine Strategies Conference)上推出这一计划。该网络将允许开发者在雅虎搜索之上建立新的应用程序,其中包括图像、视频、新闻以及地区搜索等内容。想要使用这项服务的会员必须先去 申请一个自已的ID号,注:每个ID号每天只能搜索5000次。 下面我们看一下,如何用PHP脚本调用Yahoo! Search API实现搜索的效果,全部脚本如下: <?php // Yahoo Web Services PHP Example Code // Rasmus Lerdorf // $appid = 'YahooDemo'; // 在这输入你申请的ID号 $service = array('image'=>'http://api.search.yahoo.com/ImageSearchService/V1/imageSearch', 'local'=>'http://api.local.yahoo.com/LocalSearchService/V1/localSearch', 'news'=>'http://api.search.yahoo.com/NewsSearchService/V1/newsSearch', 'video'=>'http://api.search.yahoo.com/VideoSearchService/V1/videoSearch', 'web'=>'http://api.search.yahoo.com/WebSearchService/V1/webSearch'); ?> <html> <head><title>PHP Yahoo Web Service Example Code</title></head> <body> <form action="YahooSearchExample.php" method="GET"> Search Term: <input type="text" name="query" /><br /> Zip Code: <input type="text" name="zip" /> (for local search)<br /> <input type="submit" value=" Go! " /> <select name="type"> <?php foreach($service as $name => $val) { if(!empty($_REQUEST['type']) && $name == $_REQUEST['type']) echo "<option SELECTED>$name</option>\n"; else echo "<option>$name</option>\n"; } ?> </select> </form> <?php function done() {?> </body></html> <?php exit; } if(empty($_REQUEST['query']) || !in_array($_REQUEST['type'],array_keys($service))) done(); // Ok, here we go, we have the query and the type of search is valid // First build the query $q = '?query='.rawurlencode($_REQUEST['query']); if(!empty($_REQUEST['zip'])) $q.="&zip=".$_REQUEST['zip']; if(!empty($_REQUEST['start'])) $q.="&start=".$_REQUEST['start']; $q .= "&appid=$appid"; // Then send it to the appropriate service $xml = file_get_contents($service[$_REQUEST['type']].$q); // Parse the XML and check it for errors if (!$dom = domxml_open_mem($xml,DOMXML_LOAD_PARSING,$error)) { echo "XML parse error\n"; foreach ($error as $errorline) { /* For production use this should obviously be logged to a file instead */ echo $errorline['errormessage']."<br />\n"; echo " Node : " . $errorline['nodename'] . "<br />\n"; echo " Line : " . $errorline['line'] . "<br />\n"; echo " Column : " . $errorline['col'] . "<br />\n"; } done(); } // Now traverse the DOM with this function // It is basically a generic parser that turns limited XML into a PHP array // with only a couple of hardcoded tags which are common across all the // result xml from the web services function xml_to_result($dom) { $root = $dom->document_element(); $res['totalResultsAvailable'] = $root->get_attribute('totalResultsAvailable'); $res['totalResultsReturned'] = $root->get_attribute('totalResultsReturned'); $res['firstResultPosition'] = $root->get_attribute('firstResultPosition'); $node = $root->first_child(); $i = 0; while($node) { switch($node->tagname) { case 'Result': $subnode = $node->first_child(); while($subnode) { $subnodes = $subnode->child_nodes(); if(!empty($subnodes)) foreach($subnodes as $k=>$n) { if(empty($n->tagname)) $res[$i][$subnode->tagname] = trim($n->get_content()); else $res[$i][$subnode->tagname][$n->tagname]=trim($n->get_content()); } $subnode = $subnode->next_sibling(); } break; default: $res[$node->tagname] = trim($node->get_content()); $i--; break; } $i++; $node = $node->next_sibling(); } return $res; } $res = xml_to_result($dom); // Ok, now that we have the results in an easy to use format, // display them. It's quite ugly because I am using a single // display loop to display every type and I don't really understand HTML $first = $res['firstResultPosition']; $last = $first + $res['totalResultsReturned']-1; echo "<p>Matched ${res[totalResultsAvailable]}, showing $first to $last</p>\n"; if(!empty($res['ResultSetMapUrl'])) { echo "<p>Result Set Map: <a href=\"${res[ResultSetMapUrl]}\">${res[ResultSetMapUrl]}</a></p>\n"; } for($i=0; $i<$res['totalResultsReturned']; $i++) { foreach($res[$i] as $key=>$value) { switch($key) { case 'Thumbnail': echo "<img src=\"${value[Url]}\" height=\"${value[Height]}\" width=\"${value[Width]}\" />\n"; break; case 'Cache': echo "Cache: <a href=\"${value[Url]}\">${value[Url]}</a> [${value[Size]}]<br />\n"; break; case 'PublishDate': echo "<b>$key:</b> ".strftime('%X %x',$value); break; default: if(stristr($key,'url')) echo "<a href=\"$value\">$value</a><br />\n"; else echo "<b>$key:</b> $value<br />"; break; } } echo "<hr />\n"; } // Create Previous/Next Page links if($start > 1) echo '<a href="/YahooSearchExample.php'. '?query='.rawurlencode($_REQUEST['query']). '&zip='.rawurlencode($_REQUEST['zip']). '&type='.rawurlencode($_REQUEST['type']). '&start='.($start-10).'"><-Previous Page</a> '; if($last < $res['totalResultsAvailable']) echo '<a href="/YahooSearchExample.php'. '?query='.rawurlencode($_REQUEST['query']). '&zip='.rawurlencode($_REQUEST['zip']). '&type='.rawurlencode($_REQUEST['type']). '&start='.($last+1).'">Next Page-></a>'; done(); ?> |