enterprise|oracle|备份|数据|数据库|问题 冷备份/还原Oracle数据库 1.备份数据库 备份?oradata\DB2(数据库DB2所存储的文件夹)中的所有DBF、CTL、LOG文件。 备份?database中的initDB2.ora文件。(数据库??备份文件init??.ora) 2.恢复数据库过程 a.删除原数据库 connect sys/ora123 as sysdba b.恢复数据库文件 把所备份的文件还原到原来所存储的文件夹。 Posted on: Mon, Jul 17 2006 4:09 PM 安装完oracle 10g后,打开http://dbserver:5500/em/ 然后填写"主机身份证明"和"目标数据库的身份证明",总是报错:RemoteOperationException: ERROR: Wrong password for user.主机身份采用的是administrator,数据库使用sys,密码没有错误,为什么连不上? 解决步骤: 在“本地安全策略”——“用户权利指派”——“作为批处理作业登录”中添加本机的administrator用户 1. Click on START => Programs => Administrative Tools => Local Security Policy (or also via START => Settings => Control Panel => Administrative Tools)
By kayuk
startup mount restrict
drop database
Oracle 10g的Enterprise Manager登陆问题
By kayuk
2. Under Local Policies on the left, select User Rights Assignment folder
3. Look at the right side of the window and scroll down to the "Logon as Batch Job" privilege and select it.
4. Either select Action from the menu bar then Security or right-click on the "Logon as a Batch Job" privilege then Security.
5. Select the Add button which evokes a Select Users/Groups box.
6. From the "Look In" field, select the local workstation/server.
7. Select the User administrator.
8. Select Add then OK.
冷备份/还原Oracle数据库 以及 Oracle 10g的Enterprise Manager
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