Using Still, Already, and Yet in English
英语中三个经常引起混淆的时间副词是still, yet和already。

- My grandfather is sixty-nine and he still works every day at the shop he owns.
- Do you still live with your parents?
- It’s 6pm, and I can’t leave the office because I still have work to do.
- Are you still angry with your mum?
- He is still asleep, so don’t wake him up.
- He started his exam an hour ago, and he is still answering the questions.
- Is it still snowing? (= it continues to snow, it hasn’t stopped)
- When I went to bed, John was still working.
- Adam has stopped smoking but his brother still hasn’t quit.
- I took the clock to the repair shop, but it still isn’t working.
- Are we there yet? (这是孩子们在长途旅行时问父母的一个典型问题)
- Is the report ready yet?
- Hasn’t dad told you yet? We’re moving to Alaska!
- Mary can’t go home yet. She hasn’t finished her work.
- They haven’t paid me yet. (and I expected to be paid by now)
- His parents haven’t kicked him out of their house yet.
- We have yet to hear the big news from Aunt Martha.
=We are still waiting to hear the big news from Aunt Martha.
此外, yet和still常用于解释为什么某个动作一直持续到现在。
- I am still studying at the university because I haven’t graduated yet.
- We still don’t know who our new boss will be. The owners haven’t told us yet.
- I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to quit my job to go travel. I’m still thinking about it.
在英语中使用 Already
- “Ask Katie to send the article to her editor.” “She has already sent it.”
- “I already know what I’m going to buy you for your birthday.”
- “They’ve already seen Spiderman and really don’t want to see it again.”
- “I will have already cleaned my room by the time you get home.”
- Is Mary already here? She must have driven very fast to get here before me.
- How does he already have the answers to tomorrow’s test?
- Have they already obtained their visas?
然而,在现在完成时的肯定句中,词序是:主语 have already 过去分词。