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中国是世界上野生动物种类最丰富的国家之一,仅脊椎动物种类就达 6,500 多种,约占全球脊椎动物种类总数的 10%。其中,陆生脊椎动物种类达 2,100 多种。大熊猫、朱鹮、金丝猴、华南虎、扬子鳄等 470 多种陆栖脊椎动物是仅分布于中国的特有物种。其中现有国家Ⅰ级保护陆生野生动物 98 种、国家Ⅱ级保护陆生野生动物 308种,具有重要生态、科学、社会价值的陆生野生动物 1,591 种以及昆虫 120 属所有种等都纳入保护范围。

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东北虎 Panthera tigris altaica 摄影:陈建伟

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大熊猫 Ailuropoda melanoleuca 摄影:叶明霞

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川金丝猴 Rhinopithecus roxellana 来自:印象中国

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麋鹿 Elaphurus davidianus 摄影:杨国美

中国也是全球植物多样性最丰富的国家之一,大约有 35,856 种高等植物,约占世界总数的 10%,居世界第三位。其中石松类及蕨类植物 2,129 种,裸子植物 237 种,被子植物 28,996种等。中国是世界栽培植物的四大起源中心之一,是许多重要农作物和果树资源的原产地;还是世界上园林花卉植物资源最丰富的国家之一,种类超过 7,500 种,拥有温带几乎全部的木本植物属。当前,由于生境丧失和破碎化、资源过度开发利用、环境污染、入侵物种竞争及全球气候变化等因素,中国的植物多样性受到了日益严重的威胁,受到威胁的植物物种约 3,879 种。

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银杏 Ginkgo biloba 摄影:于胜祥

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南方红豆杉 Taxus wallichiana var. mairei 摄影:梁同军

中国已建立了大量的自然保护地,包括国家公园、自然保护区和自然公园等。其中,国家公园10 个;自然保护区 2,750 个,占陆域国土面积的 14.86%;自然公园包括 225 个著名景点、1,486个湿地公园和 3,392 个森林公园。在这些自然保护地范围内,已经有 90% 的植被类型和陆地生态系统得到了有效保护。这些地区为 85% 的野生植物提供了保护,涵盖了 65% 的高等植物群落。

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台东苏铁 Cycas taitungensis 摄影:郭书晋

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百山祖冷杉 Abies beshanzuensis 来自:浙江凤阳山-百山祖国家级自然保护区

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楠木 Phoebe zhennan 摄影:李策宏

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白桫椤 Sphaeropteris brunoniana 摄影:张宪春

The year 2020 is known as a “biodiversity super year”. The Fifteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CoP15) will be hosted by China in 2021.

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华盖木 Pachylarnax sinica 摄影:曾庆文

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石碌含笑 Michelia shiluensis 摄影:杨晓洋

China is one of the most abundant countries based on wild animals and vertebrates with up to 6,500 different species, which is about 10% of the world’s vertebrates, of which approximately 2,100 are terrestrial vertebrates . More than 470 species of terrestrial vertebrates are only distributed in China and belongs to the endemic species, such as Panda, Crested Ibis, Golden monkeys, South China tiger, Yangtze alligator etc. At present, first-grade state protection of terrestrial wild animals has 98 species and Second-grade state protection of terrestrial wild animals has 308 species, 1,591 species of terrestrial animals has important ecological, scientific, social values and 120genus all species of insects have been protected.

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斑羚 Naemorhedus goral 摄影:徐永春

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大熊猫 Ailuropoda melanoleuca 来自:中国大熊猫保护研究中心

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猎隼 Falco cherrug 摄影:赵建英

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普氏原羚 Procapra przewalskii 摄影:吴秀山

China is one of the richest countries in terms of plant diversity with approximately35,856 high plants species, the third largest plant species in the world, about 10% of the world’s total, having 2,129 species of Lycopodium japonicum and Pteridophyta, 237 species of Gymnosperm, 28,996 species of Angiosperm etc. As one of the fourorigin areas of cultivated plants, China is the country of origin of many important agricultural crops and fruit trees. More than 7,500 species of garden flower plants are cultivated in China, and almost all the genre of temperate woody plants can be found in China. Due to habit loss and fragmentation, pollution, excessive use of natural resources, competitive interactions with invasive species and climate change, the plant diversity in China is increasingly threatened, with an estimated 3,879 plant species being threatened.

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毛杓兰 Cypripedium franchetii 摄影:蒋宏

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虎斑兜兰 Paphiopedilum markianum 摄影:周丽

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白及 Bletilla striata 摄影:刘演

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石斛 Dendrobium nobile 来自:广西雅长兰科植物国家级自然保护区

China had built massive Nature Conservation Area which includes of National Parks, Natural Reserves, Natural parks etc. We have 10 National Parks and 2,750 Natural Reserves which account for 14.86% of the territorial areas. Natural park contains 225 renowned scenic spots, 1,486 wetland parks and 3,392 forest parks . Combined these nature reserves, national scenic spots, and forest parks effectively protect 90% of China’s vegetation types and terrestrial ecosystems. These areas provide protection for 85% of wild plants in China, including 65%of the high plant communities.

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红花绿绒蒿 Meconopsis punicea 摄影:张胜邦

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珙桐 Davidia involucrata 摄影:胡丰林

In the future, China needs to further improve its international collaboration, for example China and other Parties of CBD should take concerted efforts topursue harmonious development between human and nature.

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辐花苣苔 Thamnocharis esquirolii 摄影:刘冰

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