
80酷酷网    80kuku.com

     本排名是从我的硬盘里扒拉出来,已经有3年之久。虽然不是美酒,但是这些年我还是时不时翻出来“温故知新”。排名是由“网谷”(internet valley)公司推出,从1995年到1999年基本每个季度都盘点一番。可惜这项很有意思的排名随着互联网退潮也消失在网络中。如今许多大名鼎鼎的媒体也“东风扫去香魂落”,不过看看这些排名数据,对大家还是有着一定的参考价值。毕竟,再物是人非,互联网的精华依旧,多数优秀的媒体和网站依然活跃在第一线,天天为我们准备好丰富的精神食粮。
     排名 媒体名 ivb指数
     1 c|net 48.59
     2 zdnet 47.20
     3 news.com 43.32
     4 tech web 28.68
     5 wired 15.13
     6 macweek 14.67
     7 pc world 12.33
     8 net guide 10.34
     9 infoworld 9.97
     10 pc magazine 9.05
     11 macworld 9.00
     12 windows magazine 7.90
     13 yahoo! internet life 7.36
     14 byte magazine 6.74
     15 industry standard 6.69
     16 javaworld 6.24
     17 web reference 5.37
     18 pc computing 5.30
     19 cio 5.09
     20 computerworld 4.54
     21 sunworld online 4.06
     22 datamation 4.04
     23 internet world 3.93
     24 interctive week 3.78
     25 internet shopper 3.20
     26 network world fusion 3.01
     27 webbusiness magazine 2.98
     28 family pc 2.63
     29 feed 2.57
     30 macaddict 2.48
     31 data communications magazine 2.30
     32 upside 2.19
     33 computer shopper 2.17
     34 dr. dobbs journal 2.11
     35 linux journal 2.05
     36 maccentral 1.99
     37 tidbits 1.94
     38 fairfax information technology:sydney morning herald 1.90
     39 web developer 1.90
     40 federal computer week 1.86
     41 boardwatch magazine 1.83
     42 windows nt magazine 1.56
     43 computer currents 1.53
     44 web review 1.52
     45 computer paper 1.43
     46 d-lib program 1.42
     47 macosrumors 1.35
     48 internet week 1.05
     49 win98 magazine 1.04
     50 red herring 1.04
     51 computer reseller news 0.93
     52 computer gaming world .93
     53 computer retail week 0.82
     54 first monday 0.79
     55 web techniques 0.74
     56 intelligent enterprise 0.72
     57 network computing 0.70
     58 government technology magazine 0.66
     59 ee times 0.65
     60 wwwiz magazine 0.61
     61 embedded systems programming 0.59
     62 advisor magazines 0.53
     63 edn access 0.48
     64 new media news 0.46
     65 computer bits 0.45
     66 visual c++ developers journal 0.44
     67 cadalyst 0.42
     68 microprocessor report 0.41
     69 crossroadsthe acm student magazine 0.38
     70 oracle magazine 0.37
     71 computer news daily 0.36
     72 tele.com 0.31
     73 technology review 0.30
     74 shift 0.28
     75 australian personal computer 0.27
     76 computer dealer news 0.27
     77 data management review 0.26
     78 computer timessingapore 0.23
     79 web marketing today 0.22
     80 the institute (ieee) 0.21
     81 network magazine 0.20
     82 computing japan 0.19
     83 computer edge 0.18
     84 the register 0.14
     85 service news 0.13
     86 webserver online 0.12
     87 linux today 0.17
     88 pc novice & smart computing 0.11
     89 web developers journal 0.11
     90 entropy gradient reversals 0.10
     91 java pro 0.09
     92 ugeek 0.08
     93 computer post 0.08
     94 adobe mag 0.06
     95 maximum pc 0.06
     96 sco world: unix business solutions 0.05
     97 think leadership (ibm) 0.05
     98 user friendly online 0.05
     99 government computercanada 0.04
     100 ebiz (business week) 0.01
     it媒体互联网影响力top 100(1996年5月排名)
     rank title
     1. c|net
     2. hotwired
     3. acm publications
     4. macworld online
     5. pc world
     6. byte magazine
     7. tidbits
     8. boardwatch magazine
     9. mac user
     10. mac week
     11. netwatch
     12. infoworld
     13. unixworld online
     14. cio magazine
     15. pc computing
     16. dr. dobbs journal
     17. computer news daily
     18. ieee communications society publications
     19. upside
     20. datamation magazine
     21. computer paper
     22. linux journal
     23. webmaster magazine
     24. web marketing today
     25. the net magazine
     26. computer shopper
     27. computer gaming world
     28. lan magazine
     29. mmwire
     30. interactive age
     31. net guide
     32. interctive week
     33. information week
     34. sun world online
     35. cmc
     36. iworld : internet world, web week, web developer,...
     37. mobilis
     38. worldvillage
     39. dbms magazine
     40. win95 magazine
     41. ee times
     42. computer life
     43. lan times
     44. cyberwire dispatch
     45. computer music journal
     46. computer currents
     47. multimediaworld online
     48. home pc
     49. communicationsweek
     50. software quarterly magazine
     51. windows sources
     52. communication arts
     53. network computing
     54. pc magazine
     55. interface magazine
     56. ibm personal systems magazine
     57. windows nt magazine
     58. computer reseller news
     59. computerworld
     60. x advisor
     61. familypc
     62. cd-rom magazine
     63. data communications magazine
     64. telecommunications magazine
     65. computer retail week .
     66. network world
     67. australian personal computer
     68. access online
     69. shift
     70. national computer tectonics
     71. var business
     72. online-magazine
     73. off the record
     74. unix review
     75. unix news international
     76. microsoft magazine
     77. crossroads: [ acm student magazine]
     78. edn access
     79. computing japan
     80. electronic buyers news
     81. chicago journal of theoretical computer science
     82. develop, the apple technical journal
     83. wordperfect magazine
     84. chips magazine
     85. federal computer week
     86. service news
     87. sunexpert
     88. computers in nursing
     89. journal of object-oriented programming
     90. home computing & entertainment
     91. institute (ieee)
     92. object magazine
     93. inside visual basic
     94. cadalyst
     95. navigator : netscapes magazine
     96. british computer societys computer journal
     97. the spiders web
     98. government technology magazine
     99. pc graphics & video
     100egr: [entropy gradient reversals]
     it媒体互联网影响力top 100(1998年11月排名)
     1. zdnet
     2. c|net
     3. news.com
     4. wired
     5. pc world
     6. macweek
     7. windows magazine
     8. pc magazine
     9. infoworld
     10. macworld
     11. netguide
     12. datamation
     13. javaworld
     14. pc computing
     15. interctive week
     16. cio
     17. computerworld
     18. computer gaming world
     19. sunworld online
     20. cmc magazine
     21. web week
     22. mac addict
     23. internet week
     24. fairfax information technology
     25. upside
     26. computer paper
     27. computer currents
     28. feed
     29. tidbits
     30. federal computer magazine
     31. web developer magazine
     32. data communications online
     33. family pc
     34. mac central
     35. linux journal
     36. internet world
     37. computer shopper
     38. windows nt magazine
     39. win 98 magazine
     40. communication arts
     41. dr. dobbs journal
     42. computer reseller news
     43. macos rumors
     44. game revolution
     45. computer retail week
     46. new media news
     47. new zealand infotech weekly
     48. wwwiz magazine
     49. embedded systems programmin
     50. government technology mag
     51. advisor magazines
     52. computer bits
     53. crossroads
     54. edn access
     55. visual c++ developers journal
     56. web review
     57. ee times
     58. oracle magazine
     59. cadalyst
     60. industry standard
     61. tele.com
     62. computer news daily
     63. computer times (singapore)
     64. sys admin
     65. network computing
     66. computer dealer news
     67. computer undergound digest
     68. computing japan
     69. service news
     70. the institute
     71. australian personal computing
     72. shift
     73. microsoft internet magazine
     74. computer edge
     75. web business magazine
     76. music and computers
     77. microprocessor report
     78. boardwatch magazine
     79. web marketing today
     80. fontsite
     81. thinworld
     82. var business
     83. pc novice and smart computing
     84. technology review
     85. java pro
     86. entropy gradient reversals
     87. adobe magazine
     88. computer post
     89. homepage journal
     90. user friendly online
     91. sco world
     92. governmental computer canada
     93. ugeek
     94. geekweek
     95. tech links
     96. ibm think leadership
     97. maximum pc
     98. intelligent enterprise
     99. beta magazine
     100linux today

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