'类名:RegistryObject 网页信息注册表类
'作者:张少棠 (Tonton)
Const NODE_TEXT = 3
Class RegistryObject
Private mDom
Public Path '注册表路径
Public Encoding '注册表编码
Public DefaultValue '在读取键值时,如果子键不存在而返回的默认值
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
DefaultValue = Empty
Encoding = "gb2312"
Set mDom = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set mDom = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function NewDom()
Set NewDom = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
End Function
Private Property Get Dom()
Dim Nde
If mDom Is Nothing Then
Set mDom = NewDom()
mDom.async = False
mDom.Load Path
If mDom.parseError.errorCode = &H800C0006 Then '文件未找到
ElseIf mDom.parseError <> 0 Then
Exit Property
End If
End If
Set Dom = mDom
End Property
Public Function Initial()
Dim Nde
Set mDom = NewDom()
With mDom
Set Nde = .createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version='1.0' encoding='" & Encoding & "'")
.appendChild (Nde)
Set Nde = .createElement("Registry")
.appendChild (Nde)
End With
mDom.Save Path
End Function
Public Function CreateChannel(Channel)
With Dom
Set CreateChannel = .selectSingleNode("//" & Channel)
If CreateChannel Is Nothing Then
Set CreateChannel = .createNode(NODE_ELEMENT, Channel, "")
.documentElement.appendChild (CreateChannel)
.Save Path
End If
End With
End Function
Public Function GetAllChannels()
Dim Result
Dim Nde, i
With Dom
With .documentElement.childNodes
If .length = 0 Then
Result = Split("", 0)
ReDim Result(.length - 1)
For i = 0 To .length - 1
Result(i) = .Item(i).nodeName
End If
End With
End With
GetAllChannels = Result
End Function
Public Function DeleteChannel(Channel)
Dim Selection
With Dom
Set Selection = .selectNodes("//" & Channel)
.Save Path
End With
End Function
Public Function CreateSection(Channel, Section)
Dim Nde
With Dom
Set Nde = .selectSingleNode("//" & Channel & "/" & Section)
If Nde Is Nothing Then
Set Nde = .selectSingleNode("//" & Channel)
If Nde Is Nothing Then
Set Nde = .createNode(NODE_ELEMENT, Channel, "")
.documentElement.appendChild (Nde)
End If
Set CreateSection = .createNode(NODE_ELEMENT, Section, "")
Nde.appendChild (CreateSection)
.Save Path
End If
End With
End Function
Public Function GetAllSections(Channel)
Dim Result
Dim Nde, i
With Dom
Set Nde = .selectSingleNode("//" & Channel)
If Not Nde Is Nothing Then
With Nde.childNodes
If .length = 0 Then
给网站添加一个注册表 之 “类的实现”
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