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'Sample multiple binary files upload via ASP - upload include
'c1997-1999 Antonin Foller, PSTRUH Software, http://www.pstruh.cz
'The file is part of ScriptUtilities library
'The file enables http upload to ASP without any components.
'But there is a small problem - ASP does not allow save binary data to the disk.
' So you can use the upload for :
' 1. Upload small text (or HTML) files to server-side disk (Save the data by filesystem object)
' 2. Upload binary/text files of any size to server-side database (RS("BinField") = Upload("FormField").Value

'Limit of upload size
Dim UploadSizeLimit

'********************************** GetUpload **********************************
'This function reads all form fields from binary input and returns it as a dictionary object.
'The dictionary object containing form fields. Each form field is represented by six values :
'.Name name of the form field (<Input Name="..." Type="File,...">)
'.ContentDisposition = Content-Disposition of the form field
'.FileName = Source file name for <input type=file>
'.ContentType = Content-Type for <input type=file>
'.Value = Binary value of the source field.
'.Length = Len of the binary data field
Function GetUpload()
  Dim Result
  Set Result = Nothing
  If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then 'Request method must be "POST"
    Dim CT, PosB, Boundary, Length, PosE
    CT = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_Content_Type") 'reads Content-Type header
    If LCase(Left(CT, 19)) = "multipart/form-data" Then 'Content-Type header must be "multipart/form-data"
      'This is upload request.
      'Get the boundary and length from Content-Type header
      PosB = InStr(LCase(CT), "boundary=") 'Finds boundary
      If PosB > 0 Then Boundary = Mid(CT, PosB + 9) 'Separetes boundary
      Length = CLng(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_Content_Length")) 'Get Content-Length header
      if "" & UploadSizeLimit<>"" then
        UploadSizeLimit = clng(UploadSizeLimit)
        if Length > UploadSizeLimit then
'          on error resume next 'Clears the input buffer
'            response.AddHeader "Connection", "Close"
'          on error goto 0
          Err.Raise 2, "GetUpload", "Upload size " & FormatNumber(Length,0) & "B exceeds limit of " & FormatNumber(UploadSizeLimit,0) & "B"
          exit function
        end if
      end if
      If Length > 0 And Boundary <> "" Then 'Are there required informations about upload ?
        Boundary = "--" & Boundary
        Dim Head, Binary
        Binary = Request.BinaryRead(Length) 'Reads binary data from client
        'Retrieves the upload fields from binary data
        Set Result = SeparateFields(Binary, Boundary)
        Binary = Empty 'Clear variables
        Err.Raise 10, "GetUpload", &

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