ado|数据Option Explicit
??Public pubcn As New ADODB.Connection
??Dim temp_i As Integer
??Public Sub GetConnect()
?? On Error GoTo errorhandler:
?? Dim constr As String
?? If Not (pubcn.State = 0) Then
?? pubcn.Close
?? End If
?? pubcn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
?? pubcn.ConnectionTimeout = 5
?? pubcn.Open "Provider=sqloledb;" & _
?? "Network Library=DBMSSOCN;" & _'指明采用IP+端口方式查找Sql Server
?? "Data Source=,1433;" & _
?? "Initial Catalog=hpdata;" & _
?? "User ID=user;" & _
?? "Password=password;" & _
?? "Encrypt=yes"
?? pubcn.DefaultDatabase = "hpdata" ''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
?? Exit Sub
?? Dim msg As Integer
?? msg = MsgBox("连接时发生错误:" & Err.Number & Err.Description & Err.Source & "请将此信息发至邮箱", vbOKOnly)
??End Sub
??Public Function GetRS(sqlstr As String) As ADODB.Recordset
?? On Error GoTo errorhandler
?? Call GetConnect
?? Set GetRS = New ADODB.Recordset
?? GetRS.Open sqlstr, pubcn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
?? Set GetRS.ActiveConnection = Nothing
?? pubcn.Close
?? Exit Function
?? Dim i As Integer
?? i = MsgBox(sqlstr & ":::::::" & Err.Description & Err.HelpContext, vbOKCancel)
??End Function
??Public Sub UpdateRS(Rs As ADODB.Recordset, Optional RequerryFlag As Integer)
?? Call GetConnect
?? With Rs
?? .ActiveConnection = pubcn
?? .Update
?? 'If (Not IsMissing(RequerryFlag)) And RequerryFlag = 1 Then ''改于2004年2月6日为修除历史记录本客户号查询的修改无法数据同步而设
?? ' .Requery
?? 'End If
?? .ActiveConnection = Nothing
?? End With
?? pubcn.Close
??End Sub
??Public Sub GetRSFromCmd(Cmd As ADODB.Command, str As String, Rs As ADODB.Recordset)
?? On Error GoTo errorhandler
?? Call GetConnect
?? If Not (Cmd.State = adStateClosed) Then
?? Cmd.Cancel
?? Cmd.ActiveConnection = Nothing
?? End If
?? With Cmd
?? .ActiveConnection = pubcn
?? .CommandTimeout = 5
?? .CommandType = adCmdText
?? .CommandText = str
?? End With
?? If Not (Rs.State = 0) Then
?? Rs.Close
?? End If
?? Rs.Open Cmd, , adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
?? Rs.ActiveConnection = Nothing
?? With Cmd
?? .ActiveConnection = Nothing
?? End With
?? pubcn.Close
?? Exit Sub
?? temp_i = MsgBox(str & Err.Number & Err.Description & Err.Source, vbOKOnly)
??End Sub
??Public Sub CnExecute(ByVal Qstr As String, ByRef RecordNumber As Long, Optional QRs As ADODB.Recordset)
?? &n