对象的属性及方法: 所有代码段都必须调用该语句 set pop3 = Server.CreateObject("zakspop3.Server")
Property : mailServerHost : the IP Address of the POP3 Server. 属性: mailServerHost : POP3服务器的IP地址
Property : mailAccount : The username of the POP3 mailbox. 属性: mailAccount :POP3邮箱的用户名
Property : mailPassword : The password of the mailbox. 属性:mailPassword:邮箱的密码
Property : mailPort : default to 110, the standard port for the POP3 protocol 属性: mailPort : 默认值为110,POP3协议的标准端口
Property : errorString : An error description, should an error occur. 属性: errorString :错误发生后的错误描述
Property : useUIDL : set to true to enable UIDL support (defaults to false). 属性: useUIDL :值为真时,支持UIDL,默认值为假
Function : Login : Attempt to connect to the mailserver & mailbox, return true for success, false for error 函数: Login :和邮件服务器及邮箱建立连接,连接成功返回True,出错时返回False
Function : FetchHeaders : Get the current message headers from the mailserver 函数: FetchHeaders :从邮件服务器读取邮件标头
Function : Delete(msgID) : Deletes the specified message from the mailserver 函数: Delete(msgID) :从邮件服务器删除指定邮件
Collection : Messages : returns a collection of message objects (FetchHeaders must have been called first) 函数: Messages :返回一个message对象集合(之前必须先调用FetchHeaders.
Message Object
Property : Date : the date the message was sent 属性:: Date :邮件发送的日期
Property : To : who the message is to 属性:To:邮件的接收人
Property : From : who the message is from 属性:From:邮件的发送人
Property : Subject : the message subject 属性:Subject:邮件主题
Property : ReplyTo : the replyTo email address, if one was specified 属性:ReplyTO:如果指定了是回复信件,该属性返回回复信件的地址
Property : ReturnPath : the supplied return path (or reply address) 属性:ReturnPath:所提供的返回路径(或回复地址)
Property : HeaderString : the whole of the message headers 属性:HeaderString:整个邮件的标头
Property : Size : the size of the whole message in bytes 属性:Size:整个邮件的字节数
Property : MimeEncoded : returns true if the message has been MIME encoded 属性:MimeEncoded:如邮件是MIME编码返回值为true
Property : ID : The message number 属性:ID:邮件编号
Property : UID : The message unique ID (as returned by the pop3 command UIDL) 属性:UID:邮件的唯一编号(从POP3命令UID列表中得到)
Property : Body : returns whole body 属性:Body:返回整个邮件正文
Property : HTMLBody : trys to intelligently return a HTML compatible body, if MIME encoded, then this could be a html encoded Mime part, or a plain mime part, with <PRE> tags around it. If not mime encoded, returns the whole body with <PRE> around it. 属性:HTMLBody:智能返回HTML正文(如果是MIME编码,那么返回的是一个由<PRE>标志标识的包含MIME编码或简易MIME编码的HTML。如果不是MIME编码,则直接用<PRE>标志标识的整个正文。
Collection: BodyParts : a collection of MIME parts, if the message was MIME encoded. 集合:BodyParts:如果邮件是MIME编码,则返回MIME部分的集合 BodyPart Object
Property : IsAttachment : returns true if this part is an attachment 属性:IsAttachment : 如果是附件则返回true
Property : FileName : returns the attachment filename 属性:FileName:返回附件的文件名
Property : CharSet : returns the encoding character set 属性:CharSet:返回编码的字符集
Property : ContentEncoding : returns the encoding type 属性:ContentEncoding:返回编码类型
Property : ContentType : returns the content type 属性:ContentType:返回内容类型
Property : Header : returns the MIME header for this part 属性:Header:返回该部分的MIME标头
Property : Body : the body part of this MIME Part (decoded as required) 属性:Body:MIME部分的正文部分(已解码)
Property : RawBody : the body part of this MIME part (no decoding) 属性:RawBody:MIME部分的正文部分(未解码)
Property : Attachment : an array of bytes, representing the decoded attachment 属性:Attachment:返回一个字节数组,存放已解码的附件内容
Property : Size : returns the decoded size of this part in bytes 属性:Size:返回已解码的内容字节数