limit=DateDiff("s","2009-1-17 9:05:35","2009-2-17 10:05:55")
response.Write limit&"秒"
response.Write ("<hr>")
if (limit < 60) then show_t = "刚刚"
if (limit >= 60 and limit < 3600) then show_t = INT(limit/60) &"分钟前"
if (limit >= 3600 and limit < 86400) then show_t = INT(limit/3600) &"小时前"
if (limit >= 86400 and limit < 2592000) then show_t = INT(limit/86400) &"天前"
if (limit >= 2592000 and limit < 31104000) then show_t = INT(limit/2592000) &"个月前"
if limit >= 31104000 then show_t = "很久前"
response.Write (show_t)
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