以下为引用的内容: <?php/** * 采集图片php程序 * * Copyright(c) 2008 by 小超(ccxxcc) All rights reserved * * To contact the author write to {link mailto:ucitmc163.com} * * author ccxxcc * version $Id: {filename},v 1.0 {time} $ * package system */ set_time_limit(0); /** * 写文件 * param string $file 文件路径 * param string $str 写入内容 * param char $mode 写入模式 */ function wfile($file,$str,$mode='w') { $oldmask = umask(0); $fp = fopen($file,$mode); flock($fp, 3); if(!$fp) { Return false; } else { fwrite($fp,$str); fclose($fp); umask($oldmask); Return true; } } function savetofile($path_get,$path_save) { $hdl_read = fopen($path_get,'rb'); if($hdl_read == false) { echo("<span can not get</span>"); Return ; } if($hdl_read) { $hdl_write = fopen($path_save,'wb'); if($hdl_write) { while(!feof($hdl_read)) { fwrite($hdl_write,fread($hdl_read,8192)); } fclose($hdl_write); fclose($hdl_read); return 1; } else return 0; } else return -1; } function getExt($path) { $path = pathinfo($path); return strtolower($path['extension']); } /** * 按指定路径生成目录 * * param string $path 路径 */ function mkDirs($path) { $adir = explode('/',$path); $dirlist = ''; $rootdir = array_shift($adir); if(($rootdir!='.'||$rootdir!='..')&&!file_exists($rootdir)) { mkdir($rootdir); } foreach($adir as $key=>$val) { if($val!='.'&&$val!='..') { $dirlist .= "/".$val; $dirpath = $rootdir.$dirlist; if(!file_exists($dirpath)) { mkdir($dirpath); chmod($dirpath,0777); } } } } /** * 从文本中取得一维数组 * * param string $file_path 文本路径 */ function getFileListData($file_path) { $arr = file($file_path); $data = array(); if(is_array($arr) && !empty($arr)) { foreach($arr as $val) { $item = trim($val); if(!empty($item)) { $data[] = $item; } } } Return $data; } //采集开始 //传入自己的需要采集的图片url列表文本文件 每个图片url写一行 $url_file = isset($_GET['file'])&&!empty($_GET['file'])?$_GET['file']:null; $txt_url = "txt/".$url_file; $urls = array_unique(getFileListData($txt_url)); if(empty($urls)) { echo('<div /> die(); } $save_url = "images/".date("y_m_d",time())."/"; mkDirs($save_url); //按日期建立文件夹 $i = 1; if(is_array($urls)&&count($urls)) { foreach($urls as $val) { savetofile($val,$save_url.date("His",time())."_".$i.".".getExt($val)); echo($i.".".getExt($val)." got\n"); $i++; } } echo('<div /> ?> |