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    FieldList Nvarchar(200),--字段列表
    TableName Nvarchar(20), --表名
    WhereStr Nvarchar(500),--条件语句(须写完整,如"where Name='sea' and image=0",如果使用OR语句,须用():如:"Where (Name='sea' OR image=0)"
    PrimaryKey Nvarchar(20),--主键
    SortStr Nvarchar(100),--排序语句(须写完整,如"Order By ID,Nname")
    SortStrDesc Nvarchar(100), --倒序语句(须写完整,如"Order By ID desc,Nname desc")
    PageSize int,--页记录数
    PageNo int,--页码
    RecordCount int OUTPUT,--返回记录总数    
    PageCount int OUTPUT--返回页总数    

    declare intBeginID         nvarchar(20)
    declare intEndID           nvarchar(20)
    declare intRecordCount     int
    declare intRowCount        int
    declare TmpSelect          NVarchar(600)
    set nocount on
   set PageNo=7
   set PageSize=2
   set SortStr='order by subproclassid, ProductID'
   set SortStrDesc='order by subproclassid desc, ProductID desc'
    Set TmpSelect = 'set nocount on;select SPintRootRecordCount = count(*) from '+TableName+' '+WhereStr
    execute sp_executesql
            N'SPintRootRecordCount int OUTPUT',
            SPintRootRecordCount=intRecordCount OUTPUT
    set RecordCount = intRecordCount
    if intRecordCount=0
            Set TmpSelect='Select ' + FieldList + ' from '+TableName+' '+WhereStr    
            Execute sp_executesql TmpSelect
            set RecordCount=0
            set PageCount=1
    if intRecordCount <> 0
            set PageCount=floor((intRecordCount+1.0-1.0) / PageSize)
            if PageCount<(intRecordCount+1.0-1.0) / PageSize
            set PageCount=PageCount+1
       set PageCount=0
    if PageNo<1
        set PageNo=1
        if PageNo>PageCount
            set PageNo=PageCount
    set intRowCount = PageNo * PageSize
   if PageNo=PageCount
        set PageSize=RecordCount - (PageNo-1) * PageSize
    /* 开始分页 */    
   set TmpSelect= 'select * from ' + TableName + ' where ' + PrimaryKey + ' = any ('
   set TmpSelect=TmpSelect + 'select top ' + str(PageSize) + ' ' + PrimaryKey + ' from ' + TableName + ' where ' + PrimaryKey + ' in (select top ' + str(intRowCount) + ' ' + PrimaryKey + ' from ' + TableName
   set TmpSelect=TmpSelect + ' ' + WhereStr + ' ' + SortStr + ') ' + SortStrDesc
   set TmpSelect=TmpSelect + ') ' + SortStr

   execute sp_executesql TmpSelect
   return rowcount

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Imports System.Configuration

Namespace Gyone.DataAccess
    Public Class Pagination

        Private connStr As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("connStr")
        Private dsCommand As New SqlDataAdapter()

        Private _FieldList As String = "*"
        Private _TableName As String
        Private _WhereStr As String = ""
        Private _PrimaryKey As String
        Private _SortStr As String = ""
        Private _SortStrDesc As String
        Private _PageSize As Integer = 15
        Private _PageNo As Integer = 1
        Private _RecordCount As Integer
        Private _PageCount As Integer

        Public Property FieldList() As String
                Return _FieldList
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                _FieldList = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property TableName() As String
                Return _TableName
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                _TableName = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        '定义条件语句属性,须写完整,如"Where Id=5 And Name='sea'",如使用了"Or"语句,则须用()括住如:"Where (Id=5 Or Name='sea')"
        Public Property WhereStr() As String
                Return _WhereStr
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                _WhereStr = "Where " & Value
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property PrimaryKey() As String
                Return _PrimaryKey
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                _PrimaryKey = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        '定义排序语句属性,须写完整,如"Order By Id Desc,Name"
        Public Property SortStr() As String
                Return _SortStr
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                _SortStr = "Order By " & Value
                Dim s() As String = Value.Split(",")
                Dim i As String
                _SortStrDesc = Nothing
                For Each i In s
                    If _SortStrDesc = Nothing Then
                        If InStr(i.ToUpper, "DESC") > 0 Then
                            _SortStrDesc = "Order By " & i.ToUpper.Replace("DESC", "")
                            _SortStrDesc = "Order By " & i & " DESC"
                        End If
                        If InStr(i, "desc") > 0 Then
                            _SortStrDesc += "," & i.ToUpper.Replace("DESC", "")
                            _SortStrDesc += "," & i & " DESC"
                        End If
                    End If
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property PageSize() As Integer
                Return _PageSize
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
                _PageSize = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property PageNo() As Integer
                Return _PageNo
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
                _PageNo = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        Public ReadOnly Property RecordCount() As Integer
                Return _RecordCount
            End Get
        End Property

        Public ReadOnly Property PageCount() As Integer
                Return _PageCount
            End Get
        End Property

        Public Function Pagination() As DataSet

            Dim Data As New DataSet(TableName)
            Dim objCmd As New SqlCommand("spPagination", New SqlConnection(connStr))
            objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

            With objCmd.Parameters

                .Add(New SqlParameter("FieldList", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("TableName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("WhereStr", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 500))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("PrimaryKey", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("SortStr", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("SortStrDesc", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("PageSize", SqlDbType.Int))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("PageNo", SqlDbType.Int))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("RecordCount", SqlDbType.Int))
                .Add(New SqlParameter("PageCount", SqlDbType.Int))

                .Item("FieldList").Value = _FieldList
                .Item("TableName").Value = _TableName
                .Item("WhereStr").Value = _WhereStr
                .Item("PrimaryKey").Value = _PrimaryKey
                .Item("SortStr").Value = _SortStr
                .Item("SortStrDesc").Value = _SortStrDesc
                .Item("PageSize").Value = _PageSize
                .Item("PageNo").Value = _PageNo

                .Item("RecordCount").Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
                .Item("PageCount").Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

            End With

            dsCommand.SelectCommand = objCmd
            dsCommand.Fill(Data, TableName)

            _RecordCount = dsCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters("RecordCount").Value
            _PageCount = dsCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters("PageCount").Value
            Return Data

        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace

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