' AddButtonIE.vbs
' Adds a custom button to the IE50 toolbar
rc = MsgBox("Would you like to add a new button to the IE50 toolbar?",vbYesNo)
if rc=vbNo Then WScript.Quit
' The registry path where to add our new entries.
' If your registry doesn't contain a Shell node, it'll be silently created
REG_HKLM_IE50_BASE = "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions"
' Adds a new key (needs a newly created GUID)
REG_HKLM_IE50_GUID = REG_HKLM_IE50_BASE & "\{10954C80-4F0F-11d3-B17C-00C0DFE39736}\"
' Creates the required values
Set shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
shell.RegWrite REG_HKLM_IE50_GUID & "ButtonText", _
"我的记事本", _
shell.RegWrite REG_HKLM_IE50_GUID & "MenuText", _
"我的记事本", _
shell.RegWrite REG_HKLM_IE50_GUID & "MenuStatusBar", _
"Run Script", _
shell.RegWrite REG_HKLM_IE50_GUID & "Clsid", _
"{1FBA04EE-3024-11d2-8F1F-0000F87ABD16}", _
shell.RegWrite REG_HKLM_IE50_GUID & "Default Visible", _
"Yes", _
shell.RegWrite REG_HKLM_IE50_GUID & "Icon", _
"D:\Documents and Settings\sgyuan\Desktop\cutting1199\icon1.ico", _
shell.RegWrite REG_HKLM_IE50_GUID & "HotIcon", _
"D:\Documents and Settings\sgyuan\Desktop\cutting1199\icon2.ico", _
shell.RegWrite REG_HKLM_IE50_GUID & "Exec", _
"notepad.exe", _
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