css|解决 原文:-Based Forms: Modern Solutions
备注:作者不辞辛苦不遗余力地提供给我们这么多的这么好的参考,真是令人感动阿,我转的手都麻了!Quote In Web 2.0 registration and feedback forms can be found everywhere. Every start-up tries to attract visitors’ attention, so web-forms are becoming more and more important for the success of ??? company. In the end, exactly those web-forms are responsible for the first contact with potential customers. Let’s take a look, which modern solutions a web-developer can use, designing his/her next css-based form.在Web2.0 时代,注册或者反馈类表单随处可见,他们的起始动机只有一个,那就是去引起访问者的注意,所以网页上的表单对于一个网站是否成功扮演者越来越重要的角色。到了最后,正是这些网页上的表单负责着第一次接触潜在的客户. 让我们看一看,那种解决方案web发展人员可以用到,去设计他/她下一个基于的表单。
Prettier Accessible Forms
The Form Assembly - Form Layouts
Styling of forms, Stu Nicholls
Semantic Horizontal Forms
Trimming form fields
Badboy Niceforms
Functional Pretty Forms
-Only, Table-less Forms
Subtraction: Free Form for All - Standardkonforme Online-Formulare
Accessible Forms
Form Layout Templates
Style Web Forms Using
Standard Forms
Form Help without Popups
Fun with forms - customized input elements
Styling Form Fields
AutoSuggest - An autocomplete text field with Ajax
Really easy field validation with Prototype
Scrollable Checklists
Hide Optional Fields
Icebrrg - HTML Web forms, surveys, and invitations made chillingly simple
Wufoo - Build HTML Forms, Online Surveys and Invitations
JotForm - a web based WYSIWYG form builder
Accessify Form Builder
FormLogix - Create web forms for free
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