oUL1.insertBefore(nod, oLIYellow);
var oCloneNode = oList.cloneNode(true);
/* When the cloned node is added,
'oList' becomes a collection.
var oNewNode = document.createElement("LI");
oElement = object.insertAdjacentElement(sWhere, oElement)
Required. String that specifies where to insert the HTML element, using one of the following values:
beforeBegin Inserts oElement immediately before the object.
afterBegin Inserts oElement after the start of the object but before all other content in the object.
beforeEnd Inserts oElement immediately before the end of the object but after all other content in the object.
afterEnd Inserts oElement immediately after the end of the object.
// returns the list item labeled 'List Item 2'
var oSibling = oList.childNodes(0).nextSibling;
var oSibling = oList.childNodes(1).previousSibling;
var olastChild = oList.lastChild;
<UL ID = oList>
<LI>List Item 1
<LI>List Item 2
<LI>List Item 3
object.setAttribute(sName, vValue [, iFlags])
vAttrValue = object.getAttribute(sAttrName [, iFlags])