[Ajax.AjaxMethod] public string Test1(string name, string email, string comment){ string html = ""; html += "Hello " + name + "<br>"; html += "Thank you for your comment <b>"; html += System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(comment); html += "</b>."; return html; } |
在服务端函数,你可能需要接受传送的session信息,为了做到这一点,必须要在想实现这个方式的服务端函数的Ajax.AjaxMethod属性上传递一个参数。在查看ajax可以支持session的时候,我们先看看其他的特征。在下面这个例子中,我们有一个文档管理系统,当一个用户对文档进行编辑的时候会给这个文档加锁,其他用户需要等到这个文档可用时才能修改。不使用Ajax,用户需要不断等待刷新,因为不得不不断的去检查文档的状态是否为可用,这当然不是一个很好的方案。用ajax的session state支持,这就比较容易了。
'Vb.Net <Ajax.AjaxMethod(HttpSessionStateRequirement.Read)> _ Public Function DocumentReleased() As ArrayList If HttpContext.Current.Session("DocumentsWaiting") Is Nothing Then Return Nothing End If Dim readyDocuments As New ArrayList Dim documents() As Integer = CType(HttpContext.Current.Session("DocumentsWaiting"), Integer()) For i As Integer = 0 To documents.Length - 1 Dim document As Document = document.GetDocumentById(documents(i)) If Not document Is Nothing AndAlso document.Status = DocumentStatus.Ready Then readyDocuments.Add(document) End If Next Return readyDocuments End Function |
//C# [Ajax.AjaxMethod(HttpSessionStateRequirement.Read)] public ArrayList DocumentReleased(){ if (HttpContext.Current.Session["DocumentsWaiting"] == null){ return null; } ArrayList readyDocuments = new ArrayList(); int[] documents = (int[])HttpContext.Current.Session["DocumentsWaiting"]; for (int i = 0; i < documents.Length; ++i){ Document document = Document.GetDocumentById(documents[i]); if (document != null && document.Status == DocumentStatus.Ready){ readyDocuments.Add(document); } } return readyDocuments; } } |
我们在属性参数中指明了HttpSessionStateRequirement.Read(还可以是Write and ReadWrite)
<script language="javascript"> function DocumentsReady_CallBack(response){ if (response.error != null){ alert(response.error); return; } if (response.value != null && response.value.length > 0){ var div = document.getElementById("status"); div.innerHTML = "The following documents are ready!<br />"; for (var i = 0; i < response.value.length; ++i){ div.innerHTML += "<a href=\"edit.aspx?documentId=" + response.value[i].DocumentId + "\">" + response.value[i].Name + "</a><br />"; } } setTimeout('page.DocumentReleased(DocumentsReady_CallBack)', 10000); } </script> <body > |
页面加载后每10秒钟向服务器函数请求一次。如果有返回,则call back函数检查response,并把最新的结果显示出来。