dhtmlTutorials & Code Snips: Graphics & Charts: Images\\
This ASP Script recurses through a directory tree and loads images into a DHTML preloader.
First off, big thanks to Brian from Script Asylum for letting me use his DHTML site preloader. This
version will be even less work, because all you do is tell the ASP to drill down through a directory
structure looking for images, and it will place all the image names into an array, and off it goes.
The setup for this is incredibly simple. First off, open Preloader.asp, and change the following variables:
- boolRecurse: Tell the script to drill down through subdirectories within the folder you choose
- strVirtualRoot: The folder that contains all the images
boolRecurse = True ' Recurse through subdirectories? True/False
strVirtualRoot = "../../Images" ' Directory
strRootFolder = Server.MapPath(strVirtualRoot) ' Grab the directory
intSize = 0
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strRootFolder)
strOutput = TraverseFolder(objFolder, strVirtualRoot, boolRecurse)
strOutput = mid(strOutput, 1, Len(strOutput)-2)
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
Function TraverseFolder(objFolder, strVirtualRoot, boolRecurse)
strOutput = ""
arrImages = Array("gif", "jpg", "png", "jpeg")
'Only process directories that do NOT start with
'an underscore.
If Not Left(objFolder.Name, 1) = "_" then
Dim objFile, strPath, strFileName, strFileSize, strExtension
'Iterate through each file in the folder
For Each objFile in objFolder.Files
' Obtain the extension of the current file
strPath = objFile.Path
strFileName = objFile.Name
intFileSize = objFile.Size
strExtension = Ucase(Right(strPath, Len(strPath) - InStrRev(strPath, ".")))
' See if file is an image
For x = LBound(arrImages) to UBound(arrImages)
If strExtension = Ucase(arrImages(x)) then
strOutput = strOutput & "'" & strVirtualRoot & "/" & strFileName & "', "
intSize = intSize + intFileSize
End If
If boolRecurse then
'Recurse through the folder's subdirectories
For Each objSubFolder in objFolder.SubFolders
strOutput = strOutput & TraverseFolder(objSubFolder, strVirtualRoot & "/" &
objSubFolder.Name, boolRecurse)
End If
ASP/DHTML Image Preloader
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