以下为引用的内容: <?PHP query = "Select news_title, news_text "; query .= "FROM news"; query .= "Where news_id=". _GET['id']; mysql_query(query); ?> |
如果认为其中的_GET[‘id’]会永远是个数值型的值那将是很严重的错误。最终用户可以改变这个变量的值,例如"0; Delete FROM news;",那么query语句就会变成下面的值:
Select news_title, news_text FROM news Where news_id=0; Delete FROM news;
数值型数据是最容易验证的,PHP有一个自带的函数叫 is_numeric()可以返回ture值来判断是否是数值型,这个函数并不是MySQL自带的,因此可在任何数据库平台的php程序中用于验证数字。
以下为引用的内容: <?PHP if (!is_numeric(_GET['id'])) { // id's not numeric? // kill the script before the query can run die("The id must be numeric!"); } query = "Select news_title, news_text "; query .= "FROM news"; query .= "Where news_id=". _GET['id']; mysql_query(query); ?> |
非数值型数据的验证稍有点麻烦。PHP有个叫Magic Quotes的特殊功能。当它激活时,PHP会自动过滤掉_GET和_POST全局变量中的反斜线符号(\),双引号(”),单引号(’)和空白字符。问题是并不是所有的服务器都能打开了这个功能,所以必须检测服务器是否开通了这个功能。可以使用get_magic_quotes_gpc()函数来判定maigc quotes功能是否打开。
以下为引用的内容: <?PHP // Fix a _POST variable called firstName for MySQL firstName = _POST['firstName']; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { // If magic quotes is enabled - turn the string back into an unsafe string firstName = stripslashes(firstName); } // Now convert the unsafe string into a MySQL safe string firstName= mysql_real_escape_string(firstName); // firstName should now be safe to insert into a query ?> |
以下为引用的内容: <?PHP firstName = _POST['firstName']; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { // If magic quotes is enabled - turn the string back into an unsafe string firstName = stripslashes(firstName); } // Now convert the unsafe string into a MySQL safe string firstName = mysql_real_escape_string(firstName); // Safe query mysql_query("Insert INTO Names VALUES('". firstName ."')"); // Page output should look proper echo "Hello ". htmlentities(stripslashes(firstName)); ?> |
以下为引用的内容: <?PHP function VerifyInput(input, forceInt = false) { if (is_numeric(input)) { return input; } elseif (!forceInt) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { // if magic quotes is enabled, get rid of those // pesky slashes input = stripslashes(input); } // convert the input variable into a MySQL safe string. input = mysql_real_escape_string(input); return input; } else { // if input not an integer and forceInt = true, // kill script die("Invalid Input"); } } // _POST['name'] should be a string // _POST['id'] should be an integer, if not the script dies id = _POST['id']; name = _POST['name']; query = "Update users SET name=". VerifyInput(name) ." "; query .= "Where id=". VerifyInput(id, true); // query should be safe to run mysql_query(query); ?> |