显示|语法<!--#include file="token.asp"-->
<% ' *************************************************************************
' This is all test/example code showing the calling syntax of the
' cBuffer class ... the interface to the cBuffer object is quite simple.
' Use it for reference ... delete it ... whatever.
' *************************************************************************
REM This is a rem type comment just for testing purposes!
' This variable will hold an instance of the cBuffer class
Dim objBuffer
' Set up the error handling
On Error Resume Next
' create the instance of the cBuffer class
Set objBuffer = New cBuffer
' Set the PathToFile property of the cBuffer class
' Just for kicks we'll use the asp file that we created
' in the last installment of this article series for testing purposes
objBuffer.PathToFile = "../081899/random.asp" '这是文件名啦。
' Here's an example of how to add a new keyword to the keyword array
' You could add a list of your own function names, variables or whatever...cool!
' NOTE: You can add different HTML formatting if you like, the <strong>
' attribute will applied to all keywords ... this is likely to change
' in the near future.
'objBuffer.AddKeyword "response.write", "<font color=Red>Response.Write</font>"
' Here are examples of changing the table background color, code color,
' comment color, string color and tab space properties
'objBuffer.TableBGColor = "LightGrey" ' or
'objBuffer.TableBGColor = "#ffffdd" ' simple right?
'objBuffer.CodeColor = "Red"
'objBuffer.CommentColor = "Orange"
'objBuffer.StringColor = "Purple"
'objBuffer.TabSpaces = " "
' Call the ParseFile method of the cBuffer class, pass it true if you want the
' HTML contained in the page output or false if you don't
objBuffer.ParseFile False '注意:显示代码的response.write已经在class中。这里调用方法就可以了。
' Check for errors that may have been raised and write them out
If Err.number <> 0 Then
Response.Write Err.number & ":" & Err.description & ":" & Err.source & "
End If
' Output the processing time and number of lines processed by the script
Response.Write "<strong>Processing Time:</strong> " & objBuffer.ProcessingTime & " seconds
Response.Write "<strong>Lines Processed:</strong> " & objBuffer.LineCount & "
' Destroy the instance of our cBuffer class
Set objBuffer = Nothing
VBS、ASP代码语法加亮显示的类 (二)
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