Dining out 外出用餐
S: Hi, welcome. How many?
B: Two please.
S: This way. Here is your menu. Can I take your order or do you need a few more minutes?
B: I’m ready to order. I’ll have the chicken alfredo with Caesar salad
S: What about you, Ma’am?
F: Same here.
W: What can I get you to drink?
B: We’ll just have water.
S: 嗨, 欢迎光临,几位?
B: 两位。
S: 这边请。这是您的菜单。请问您是现在点单还是等会?
B: 我现在点, 我要一份白酱鸡肉意大利面配一份凯撒沙拉。
{!-- PGC_COLUMN --}S: 您呢,女士?
S: 您需要喝点什么?