server|xmlprivate string GetFORXML(string sFile, string sSQL)
// Create and open the connection to Northwind
DataSet oDs = new DataSet();
using(SqlConnection oCn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
// Create the SQL command to execute
SqlCommand oCmd = new SqlCommand(sSQL, oCn);
// Execute the SQL statement and return the data to an XmlReader
XmlReader oXml = oCmd.ExecuteXmlReader();
// Read the Schema of the XML
// Read the XML fragment (which needs a schema)
oDs.ReadXml(oXml, XmlReadMode.Fragment);
oDs.DataSetName = "root";
// Write the XML out to a file
oDs.WriteXml(sPath + sFile);
return "Wrote XML to file " + sFile;
方法中的 sSQL 是含有 FOR XML 的SQL 语句